Dec 1 – Why We Exist

Imagine going for a casual stroll, enjoying the scenery and taking in the fresh air.

It might be Autumn with a touch of cold; it might be Summer with a nice gentle breeze coming off of the water front; it might be Spring with the sounds of new life coming from the song birds in the blooming trees; it might be Winter with the feeling of fresh snow crunching under your boots.

No matter the season, the beauty of nature is everywhere. And one is lucky enough to enjoy it.


On the other side of the world, a young girl in Uganda is carrying out her daily chore of collecting water for her family.

Walking down the muddy path in the rainy season or the dry, rocky path in the dry season, she navigates the dirt path barefoot, carrying with her a reused plastic milk jug to collect water from the animal watering hole.

As this is the only source of water, there is no other choice. She takes a small drink for herself before she heads back to her family’s house.

The watering hole is full of contaminates.

There is no other option to drink water.


What if there was a simple solution?

Water-borne illnesses are preventable.

This is why we exist.

Clean Water for the World has developed a
relatively simple, adaptable UV-light water purification system
that can filter and purify water from most sources.

We partner with nonprofits in the United States that work in these villages and distribute our water purification systems – free of charge to the village.

In return, we ask 3 things:

  1. That they assign someone to maintain the unit, according to the manual.
  2. That everyone has equal access to the clean water.
  3. That no one makes a profit from the clean water.

CWFW is offering some opportunities for you to help us continue to offer access to clean drinking water to more children and adults in developing countries throughout the world.

Interested? Contact us!